Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Easy and Effective Test Taking Strategies for Board Exams RULE 3

  RECOGNIZE AND SPOT THE KEY WORDS in the stem or background information. Be alert that those keywords can sometimes be overlook at the stem of the question or may possibly placed at the choices.

a.    Specific determiners or Clang Association between the stem and the choices or options.  Clang association is the repetitious use of a word in the stem and choice. Repetitious words are specific determiners towards the right answer.
When the options of a test item consists words that are identical or similar to words in the stem, the attentive test taker distinguishes the stimulus as clues about the possible answer to the question. The stem word that clues you to a similar word in the option or that limits possible options is identified as a specific determiner.

Example 3:
To meet a client’s physical needs, the nurse will:
a.    Pull the curtains when providing care
b.    Answer call bell immediately
c.    Administer physical hygiene
d.    Obtain vital signs
Answer: C. The word physical is the key word in the stem. It appeared again in Choice C. Administer physical hygiene.

Example 4:  
            When providing perineal care in patients, nurses can most appropriately protect themselves from microorganisms by:
a.    Washing hands prior to giving care
b.    Wearing clean gloves during perineal care
c.    Discarding contaminated water in the toilet
d.    Encourage patients
Answer: B. The key word in the stem and choices is the word perineal.

Example 5:
The government agency responsible for administering the nursing practice act in each state is the:
a.    Board of Regents
b.    Board of Nursing
c.    Philippine Nurses’ Association
d.    American Hospital Association
Answer: B. Options b and c contain the closely related words nurse and nursing. The word nursing, used both in the stem and in option 2, is a clue to the correct answers.

b.    Key words such as: best, most, correct, most appropriate, does not need further intervention, needs further intervention, and needs attention, critical and others which qualify the answer.

c.    If the options in an item do not seem to make sense because more than one option is correct, reread the questions; you may have missed one of the key words in the stem. Also be on guard when you see one of the key words in an option; it may limit the context in which such an option would be correct.
Example 6:
The nurse would most likely assess all but which one of the following signs of dehydration in a preschooler?
a.    Tenting of the skin
b.    Sunken eyeballs
c.    Depressed fontanel
d.    Lack of tears
All choices above are correct about dehydration. The key word is pre-schooler. Choice C cannot be assessed in a preschooler. Answer is C.
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